Frisco TX Tax Preparation
We provide top quality tax preparation at an affordable price. We’re a regional tax firm helping taxpayers in Frisco TX along with the surrounding region. We’re equipped to help folks with simple and basic tax returns as well as really complicated tax cases, and everywhere in between.
Our licensed tax specialists have knowledge with all forms of tax circumstances, and can help with items like household employment taxes, rental properties, investment income, self-employed people, home office expenses, inheritances, investment property, K-1 investments, Alternative Minimum Tax, armed forces and active military, overseas and also expat taxes.
We provide a variety of small business tax services for sole proprietors, partnerships, and S Corporations. We understand that each business and taxpayer is unique, and we take the time to know your circumstances and present you with the very best service and outcome you deserve.
Types of tax returns prepared:
- Federal income tax returns (IRS tax returns)
- State income tax returns
- Personal (or Individual) tax returns
- Nonresident tax returns
- All Business tax returns, including corporations, partnerships, and small business tax preparation
- Property Tax Returns
- Payroll Tax Returns
- State Sales Tax Returns
Tax Services we offer:
- Tax preparation services and submitting
- Tax planning
- Tax advice
- Tax consulting
- Tax help
Frequent inquiries we hear about income tax preparation in Frisco TX:
Do I have to file income taxes?
Should you obtained or earned any income, you almost certainly must file an income tax return. There are situations by which you might not have to file, depending on just how much your income was, how old you are, as well as your filing status (married, single, etc). Should you’re not sure, have this info handy and call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX to confirm if you really should file a tax return or not. In some scenarios, you might not be required to file a return but filing could provide you with a tax refund.
How do I discover reputable tax preparation in Frisco TX?
Most reliable tax preparers are listed with the National Association of Tax Professionals. And if the tax preparer is an Enrolled Agent (EA), they are most likely registered within the Nationwide Enrolled Agent web site in addition to the Texas EA listing.
Who can prepare tax returns?
You want to use a tax professional who’s reputable and trustworthy, this is just not one of those instances to use the most cost effective tax preparer. An inexperienced or non-professional preparer can cost you much more money by filing incorrectly and end up in overpaying taxes, or perhaps worse–underpaying taxes which could cause IRS penalties along with other problems.
When will be the deadline to file taxes in Texas?
The deadline to file your personal income tax returns is April 15, and that applies to both the federal return to the IRS as well as the Texas tax return. If you are unable to submit the return by April 15, you can request an extension (by 4/15) which gives you until October 15 to submit your return. Should you do get an extension, you still have to pay any amount due by April 15–the extension is only for submitting the return not having to pay your tax bill.
Am I able to file my income taxes myself?
You are permitted to prepare and file your own tax return, and many people do so either by hand or computer. Some of our clientele put together their own taxes and use us for tax planning or to review the return they prepared. It is really crucial that your tax return is correct, and hiring us is the perfect way for making sure you are receiving all of your respective refund without any expensive problems. It can be easy to overlook or miss deductions and credits that you might be entitled to claim.
To discover more or to hire us for Frisco TX tax preparation, tax planning, tax services, and small business tax preparation in Frisco TX, Contact us now at XXX-XXX-XXXX.